How to make Sri Lanka’s anagi II stove
Cutting the holes
Practical Action
88. Dip the pipe
into oil before each
89. Cut two holes
into the back of the
second pothole
90. Place the metal
airhole template
against the firebox
side. Cut 2 holes
directly opposite the
91. The finished air
92. Piece the aluminium pot
on the firebox rim. Rotate it to
check that the rim is perfectly
round, and that the potrests are
not too high.
93. Use the pot over the
second pothole to check that
the potrests are 1.3 cm (just
over 1/211) high. A finger
should fit in the gap up to
the middle knuckle.
94. Check that the flame
shield does not take the
weight of the pot.
Smoothing and marking the stove
95. Rub the stove
with a damp sponge.
96. Stamp the stove
with the factory logo
and the Anagi logo.
97. Write the year,
month, and date,
and your initial.
98. Place on shelves in
a protected area for 3